Image of multi-coloured school pencils

20 School Sustainability Project Ideas to Engage Students

Implementing sustainability projects in schools offers practical ways for students to learn about sustainability and make a positive impact on the environment.

Here’s 20 sustainable school project ideas designed to engage students and promote eco-friendly activities. 

1. School Garden Project

Image of green shoots emerging and progressing in growth size

Creating a school garden is an excellent way for students to learn about sustainable agriculture.

Students can grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers using organic methods, learning about composting and natural pest control along the way. The produce can be used in school meals or sold to raise school funds.

2. Tree Planting Campaign

Organise a tree-planting campaign where students can plant native trees around the school campus or community.

This activity raises awareness about deforestation, carbon sequestration, and the importance of green spaces.

3. Eco-Friendly Art Projects

Encourage students to create art using recycled materials, such as bottle caps, cardboard, and old newspapers.

This promotes creativity while teaching students about reusing and repurposing waste materials.

Image of multi-coloured school pencils

4. Recycling Program

Organise a school-wide recycling program where students collect and sort recyclable materials like paper, plastic, and glass.

Assign different classes to manage the program, ensuring active participation and awareness about the importance of recycling.

5. Composting Station

Set up a composting station where students can recycle organic waste from the school cafeteria.

They can learn how to compost food scraps and yard waste, creating nutrient-rich soil for the school garden.

6. Rainwater Harvesting System

Install a rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater, which can be used to water the school garden or flush toilets.

This project teaches students about water conservation and sustainable water management practices.

Image of a water dropping into clear water, symbolising water conservation.

7. Energy Audit and Conservation Program

Students can conduct an energy audit of the school building to identify areas where energy is being wasted.

They can then implement energy-saving measures such as switching to LED lights, using energy-efficient appliances, and encouraging classmates to turn off lights and electronics when not in use.

8. Wildlife Habitat Restoration

Students can create a wildlife-friendly area on the school campus by planting native plants and building birdhouses or insect hotels.

This will help attract local wildlife and promotes biodiversity on school grounds.

Image of a tree canopy, pictured from below.

9. Clothing Swap Event

Organise a clothing swap event where students bring clothes still in useable condition to exchange with others.

This promotes sustainable fashion, reduces waste, and encourages students to rethink their consumption habits.

10. Water Conservation Awareness Campaign

Students can design posters, presentations, and social media content to raise awareness about water conservation practices.

11. Zero-Waste Lunch Program

Encourage students to bring zero-waste lunches using reusable containers, cloth napkins, and metal cutlery.

You could also organise a competition or challenge to see which class can reduce the most waste over a month!

Graphic of food waste

12. Paperless Classroom Initiative

Transition classrooms to digital platforms, reducing paper usage where possible.

Students can use tablets or computers for assignments, notes, and projects, learning the benefits of a paperless environment.

13. Greenhouse Project

Build a small greenhouse on the school grounds where students can grow plants year-round.

This allows for hands-on learning about plant growth, climate control, and sustainable farming techniques.

Image of a greenhouse, filled with vegetable plants

14. Community Clean-Up Day

Organise a community clean-up day where students and teachers pick up litter in nearby parks, riversides, or streets.

Itโ€™s an opportunity for students to take pride in their community and see the direct impact of their actions.

15. DIY Natural Cleaning Products Workshop

Host a workshop where students learn to make natural cleaning products using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

This teaches them about the harmful effects of conventional cleaning chemicals and encourages eco-friendly alternatives.

Graphic of a green building, including a leaf design. Represents eco-friendly actions

16. Sustainable Fashion Show

Put together a sustainable fashion show where students create outfits using recycled or repurposed materials.

This project blends creativity with sustainability, showcasing ways to reduce textile waste.

17. Solar Panel Installations

If feasible, schools can install solar panels as part of an educational project.

Students can learn about renewable energy sources and the technology behind solar power while monitoring the energy output and savings.

18. Bee-Friendly Garden

Designate an area of the school garden as a bee-friendly zone, planting flowers that attract pollinators.

This project teaches students about the importance of bees and other pollinators in ecosystems and agriculture.

Image of a bee collecting pollen from a flower

19. Upcycling Craft Station

Create a station where students can upcycle everyday objects into useful items, such as turning old jars into pencil holders or plastic bottles into planters.

This hands-on activity helps students see the potential in items that might otherwise be discarded.

20. Climate Action Club

Start a climate action club where students can collaborate on sustainability initiatives, working on ideas to reduce the schoolโ€™s carbon footprint and advocating for policy changes.

This empowers students to take leadership roles and be proactive about climate change solutions.

Engaging Students With a Sustainable Future

Image of CO2 offset logo held up by hands, alongside circular system graphics

Sustainable school projects are an effective way to engage students in eco-friendly activities while teaching them the importance of environmental stewardship.

Using these 20 project ideas, schools can create a culture of sustainability that encourages students to think critically and act responsibly.

Whether itโ€™s through gardening, recycling, or energy conservation, each initiative provides a practical lesson in building a greener future.ย 

For further support, we also have the following handy resources that can help you to teach about sustainability and take action in schools:

What is Sustainability: Fundamentals Explained

20 Practical Sustainability Ideas For Schools

7 Books About Sustainability to Inspire You

Lastly, we’d love to hear about your sustainability projects. Let us know how you get on in the comments section below!

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