Image of a tree canopy

10 Green Hobbies To Help The Environment


Looking for a new hobby to pick up? Well there’s a whole range of hobbies to consider that are not only engaging, but also great for the environment!

Check out our rundown below of 10 fantastic green hobbies. For each we’ve explained what they are, what environment benefit they offer, and how you can get involved.

1. Green Gardening

Image of wildflower planting, a key feature of green gardening

If you’ve got access to a green space, then gardening is one of the most beneficial impacts you can have to your local environment. Specifically, green gardening, which is to garden with biodiversity in mind and working with nature, not trying to excessively control it.

Environmental Value:

  • Allows you to promote biodiversity and provide habitats for local native wildlife.
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables will help avoid emissions linked to transportation and packaging of store brought food.

Getting Involved:

  • Start with a small plot in your garden, or use containers if space is limited.
  • Learn about organic gardening and composting to enhance soil health.
  • You can also check out Facebook to see if there are any local gardening groups you might be able to join.

For more support, see our 10 Tips For Sustainability Gardening.

2. Beekeeping

Image of a bee collecting nectar from a flower.

Bee keeping is a hobby that requires commitment, but one that can pay off with great benefits for the environment and your own sense of self-satisfaction.

Environmental Value:

  • Beekeeping supports pollination, which is crucial for food production and maintaining biodiversity.
  • It raises awareness about the importance of bees.

Getting Involved:

  • Take a beekeeping course to learn about bee care.
  • Acquire necessary equipment and start with a small hive, ensuring local regulations and best practices are followed.

3. Bird Watching

Image of a Robin bird standing on a branch

Bird watching is an incredibly popular hobby for decades, and one that’s relatively easy to pick up and get started with.

Environmental Value:

  • Bird watching fosters a connection with nature, promoting conservation efforts and habitat preservation.
  • You can help in the tracking of bird populations and migration patterns.

Getting Involved:

  • Join a local bird watching club or use apps to identify and log bird sightings.
  • Support bird conservation organisations and participate in bird counts.

4. Tree Planting

Image of a tree sapling held in hands

Tree planting is an increasingly popular trends, driven by our collective recognition of the huge benefits they provide.

Environmental Value:

  • Trees absorb carbon dioxide, improve air quality, and provide habitats for wildlife.
  • Tree root systems help prevent soil erosion and improve water quality.
  • In our human environments they are also provide huge benefits, reducing heat in urban areas and supporting mental wellbeing.

Getting Involved:

A search of google will likely turn up local initiatives in your area for tree planting and volunteering opportunities. These are the sorts of opportunities where you’ll get to support planting out large areas for woodland recovery.

And hey, if this isn’t happening in your area, why not consider setting something up yourself!

Individually, if you have a garden space then why not plant a tree or two. Just remember to check into suitable native species and the best planting practices first.

5. Upcycling

Graphic of a circular economy symbol.

Upcycling focuses on turning unwanted or waste items into new, higher quality items that avoids the need to generate new items, and thus limits environmental impact.

Environmental Value:

Upcycling transforms waste materials into new products. This reduces the need for new resource production and minimises wastage.

Getting Involved:

  • Find creative ways to repurpose old items.
  • Use online tutorials and community workshops to learn techniques and share ideas.

6. Sustainable Cooking

Image of fresh fruit at a market

Take your cooking beyond the basics and focus in on ingredients and methods that work with nature!

Environmental Benefit:

  • Use local organic ingredients, reducing the carbon footprint of transportation.
  • Buy seasonal, reducing the amount of energy needed for production.
  • Source organic ingredients, limiting the amount of potential harm the growing process can have on your local environment.

Getting Involved:

  • Shop at nearby farmers’ markets for local produce.
  • If you have a green space, or even space for a few pots in your kitchen, then grow some of your your own herbs, fruits and vegetables.
  • Learn recipes that minimise waste. You can find an abundance of these with a quick search on Google.
  • Support restaurants and businesses that prioritise sustainability.

For further guidance, check out our 10 Practical Tips For Food Sustainability.

7. Cycling

Graphic of a cyclist

Cycling is an ever popular hobby that provides you the opportunities to achieve clear environmental benefits and keep fit at the same time.

Environmental Benefit:

  • Cycling reduces carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels, reducing traffic congestion through lowering car travel.
  • It can help to improve your physical health and mental wellbeing.

Getting Involved:

  • Use a bicycle for commuting and errands.
  • Join local cycling groups and advocate for bike-friendly infrastructure.

8. Nature Photography

Image of lavender plants

Point your camera or phone towards nature to produce a diverse and beautiful range of imagery that can raise environmental awareness!

Environmental Benefit:

  • Nature photography raises awareness about the environment and fosters a connection with nature.
  • Improved awareness helps to encourage conservation efforts and restoration of biodiversity.
  • Nature photography can also help document environmental change and emerging threats.

Getting Involved:

  • Start with a camera or smartphone and explore local natural areas.
  • Share your photos on social media to inspire others.
  • Submit your photos to nature photography competitions to raise your profile further, and add them to online platforms such as Pexels or Shutterstock.

9. Wildlife Volunteering

Graphic of a green Earth, held high by open hands

Participating in wildlife volunteering can be a fantastically rewarding experience, helping to support nature and opportunities to make new social connections.

Environmental Benefit:

Volunteering with wildlife organisations supports conservation efforts, helping to protect endangered species and habitats.

Getting Involved:

  • Join local or international wildlife conservation projects.
  • Participate in activities like habitat restoration, monitoring, and public education.

10. Eco-Tourism

Image of two Blue Whales under the ocean surface

Eco-tourism is a sustainability based form of tourism, focused on conservation efforts, access to nature and the preservation of biodiversity and local cultures.

Environmental Benefit:

  • Supports conservation of natural habitats, with tourism to these habitats providing an incoming stream for local populations. This income stream encourages locals to retain the habitats rather that pursue more damaging alternatives.
  • Supports environmental education and awareness, both with the local population and the tourists that visit.

Getting Involved:

  • Choose eco-friendly travel options and destinations that prioritise sustainability and environmental protection.
  • Look out for eco-friendly accommodation that actively considers its environmental impact, minimises waste and makes use of renewable energy.

Give Green Hobbies A Try

Graphic of person in thought, set against green background.

By engaging in these hobbies, individuals can contribute to environmental sustainability while enjoying meaningful and fulfilling activities.

Doing so this can be fantastically rewarding for your mental wellbeing, as well helping to preserve nature.

Looking to take your sustainable action further, then check out our Practical Guide to Getting Started With Home Sustainability, as well as plenty of other great posts below!

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