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Sustainability Jobs: 10 Reliable Tips to Advance Your Career


Advancing your career to secure that next sustainability job requires a combination of strategic planning, skill development, and networking. It can be challenging, but is achievable.

Here are ten key tips to help you move forward:

1. Set Clear Sustainability Career Goals

Image of career spelt out on wooden blocks

Developing clear, defined, sustainability career goals will give you direction and purpose. 

In Sustainability, your potential direction can be broad given the wide range of areas requiring action. Therefore, be sure to consider the niche you want to aim for.

Whether your aim long term is to become a leading figure within business, an independent consultant, or establish a nature-based position, break it down into short-term objectives that are achievable and measurable. 

This should cover the necessary certifications, skills, and experiences you need to acquire the sustainability job you seek. To identify these requirements, review existing job vacancies for the types of roles you are targeting. Then plan out acquiring these requirements over a multi-year period. 

2. Seek Feedback and Act on It

Constructive feedback is crucial for personal and professional growth. Actively seek feedback from your supervisors and colleagues. 

Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine your approach for future tasks and projects.

Creating an action plan based on the feedback received can be helpful. This proactive approach shows your commitment to improvement and can be used to enhance the planning for career goals youโ€™ve set yourself. 

4. Take on Challenging Projects

Image of performance tracking, a  key component of sustainability projects.

Look for opportunities to become involved in complex projects and activities outside of your comfort zone. 

Examples such as corporate sustainability reporting or implementing decarbonisation programmes are direct sustainability examples. But donโ€™t forget there’s a sustainability element to pretty much all activities if you consider them fully, so keep you outlook broad when looking for opportunities to get involved. 

This willingness to engage will help you demonstrate your capability to handle large-scale initiatives over time. As well as provide tangible results of practical sustainability experience that can be highlighted when applying for your next role.

3. Build a Professional Network

Attend industry conferences, connect with colleagues via social media, and join professional bodies. Youโ€™ll find organisations such as the IES, IEMA and CIWEM can be fantastic routes for making connections. 

Building a strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable insights into the range of career progression routes that exist within sustainability.

Professional bodies also tend to run sustainability job boards, which could lead to your next opportunity.

6. Show Initiative and Leadership

Image of green Earth held in palm of hands

Show initiative by proposing new ideas, improving processes, or leading team projects that will advance an organisationโ€™s sustainability.

Practical action on Scope 3 carbon emissions, or establishing a position on carbon offsetting and natural capital, are examples of such areas that many organisations are yet to fully grasp. 

In proposing innovative actions, you are well positioned to take a leading role delivering them.

5. Improving Communication Skills Is Vital

Effective communication is essential for promoting sustainability initiatives. 

Sustainability is not always a concept valued by others. It can be seen as an โ€˜add-onโ€™ rather than a critical consideration that ultimately supports better returns. The ability to explain the Sustainability concepts in a clear and compelling manner is therefore key if you want to progress. 

Practice presenting complex sustainability concepts to diverse audiences, from corporate teams to community groups. You should aim to do this in both written and verbal forms, both are critical. 

7. Stay Up-to-date with Industry Trends

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Maintaining awareness of the latest trends and developments shows your commitment to progressing in Sustainability. This knowledge can give you a competitive edge and help you anticipate the changes and opportunities to come.

Sustainability is a rapidly evolving field. Keep up to date with developments here at Greener Insights and through other platforms, such as Edie and Green Biz. Following industry groups and individuals through social media will also prove worthwhile. 

8. Maintain a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude can significantly impact your career progression. Be optimistic, resilient, and adaptable in the face of challenges. It’s no secret that achieving progressive sustainable action can most certainly be a challenge!

Cultivate resilience by viewing challenges as opportunities to learn. Encourage and support your colleagues, and remain composed under pressure. Your positive attitude can help maintain team morale and drive projects forward.

Crucially, remember to remain patient. The right sustainability job opportunities don’t come along everyday, so be prepared to wait for the right one.

9. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Image of puzzle pieces, representing the need to identify key skills and knowledge gaps meet for succeed in future sustainability job roles.

Success in any industry requires you to consistently evolve and  advance your skills. 

This is particularly true of the Sustainability field, where developments occur rapidly and professional competition remains high. 

Identify skill gaps you will need to reach your career goals, as well as monitoring those areas youโ€™ve already mastered.  Dedicate time to reading industry reports, attending webinars, and participating in discussions via the professional bodies and across social media.

Youโ€™ll find in doing so that not only will you advance the capabilities youโ€™re aiming towards, but youโ€™ll also identify additional gaps you hadnโ€™t previously considered. Covering these additional gaps will set you apart from the competition. 

Check out our posts on the Key Skills For Sustainability Job Success and CPD Tips & Trends support your planning further.

10. Find a Mentor

Identify mentors who have successfully navigated a career in sustainability. 

Regularly discussing industry challenges, new technologies, and career strategies with them can broaden your own thinking. This guidance can ultimately be invaluable in making informed career decisions and identifying the right sustainability jobs for you.

Also consider mentorship from those outside of the Sustainability field that have skills you need. Great examples of this are those in Finance and Project Management. Understanding these areas, and being able to navigate them, is key to succeeding in the most impactful Sustainability roles. 

A Bright Future For Your Sustainability Career

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Sustainability is a competitive and challenging field, as well as a rewarding one. Ongoing Improvement and adaptation is needed to succeed. 

By systematically implementing the above tips you can overcome the challenges posed, advancing beyond your current role into the sustainability job roles you aspire to.

As you do, the scale and value of impact you can have to our sustainability will most certainly grow.  

To help you along the way, why not check out the latest sustainability career trends for 2024.

Or if you’re looking to make a change and move your career into the sustainability profession from a different discipline, our 7 Tips For Successful Sustainability Job Switch will definitely be of help.

As will plenty of other related posts below that can help build your sustainability knowledge!

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