Image of book set against wildflowers

7 Great Books To Understand Climate Change


Here we have put together a list of 7 great books to help you to understand climate change, and gain useful insight into climate action.

Whether youโ€™re trying to learn about the topic, looking for inspiration or just looking to make sense of it all, thereโ€™s something here for you!

Links are provided to view these recommended books on Amazon. If you choose to use these links please be aware that as an Amazon Associate Greener Insights earn from qualifying purchases. This commission supports us to continue providing our regular sustainability and climate updates on a cost free basis.

1. For the Fundamentals: A Brief History of The Earth’s Climate

A Brief History of the Earth’s Climate, by Steven Earle, traces the planet’s climatic evolution from its formation to the present day.

You’ll learn about Earth’s major climatic events, such as ice ages and greenhouse periods, along with the the natural processes and factors that have driven these changes.

Earle extends this insight to understanding how past climate shifts can inform our understanding of current climate change and the lessons it holds for addressing today’s environmental challenges.

View A Brief History of The Earth’s Climate on Amazon here

Graphic of green Earth raise high by open hands

2. Where We Could Be Heading: There Is No Planet B

No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years, by Mike Berners-Lee, explores the urgent need for sustainable living to combat the environmental harm we see today.

Berners-Lee provides a comprehensive overview of climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss.

This overview is paired data-driven insights and practical solutions for individuals, businesses, and governments to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

View There is No Planet B on Amazon here

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3. To Understand Future Impact: Predicting Our Climate Future

Predicting Our Climate Future, by David Stainforth, explores the complexities of climate modelling and the challenges in forecasting climate change.

Stainforth, a climate scientist, discusses the science behind climate predictions, the uncertainties involved, and the importance of reliable data and models.

You’ll gain a clear understanding of what climate models can and cannot tell us. The need for informed decision-making to mitigate climate risks and adapt to future changes are highlighted as part of this process.

View Predicting Our Climate Future on Amazon here

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4. For Practical Solutions: The Big Fix

The Big Fix: 7 Practical Steps to Save Our Planet, by Hal Harvey and Justin Gillis, presents a pragmatic roadmap for addressing climate change.

The authors outline seven critical actions: improving energy efficiency, decarbonising electricity, electrifying transportation, adopting sustainable farming practices, curbing industrial emissions, promoting reforestation, and supporting climate-friendly policies.

When addressing these key topics, they combine scientific insights with actionable strategies.

In doing so, Big Fix offers you a greater understanding of practical solutions to climate change, and for creating a sustainable future.

View The Big Fix on Amazon here

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5. For The Science Behind The Headlines: Elemental

Elemental, by Stephen Porder, delves into the critical roles that chemical elements play in shaping life and the environment.

Porder examines elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, explaining their cycles, interactions, and impacts on ecosystems. He highlights how human activities have disrupted these natural cycles, leading to environmental challenges such as climate change and pollution.

Through engaging storytelling and scientific insights, Porder emphasises the importance of understanding elemental processes to address ecological issues and create a sustainable future.

The book provides a comprehensive look at the interconnectedness of elemental chemistry and its influence on the planet’s health.

View Elemental on Amazon here

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6. For Psychology on The Challenge: Don’t Even Think About It

Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change, by George Marshall, delves into the psychological barriers that prevent people from acknowledging and acting on climate change.

The book combines insights from psychology, sociology, and communication studies to explain why climate change is often ignored and difficult to address.

This insight is supported with guidance on the strategies needed to overcome these barriers and engage people in climate action.

View Don’t Even Think About It here on Amazon

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7. For an Alternative Perspective: Apocalypse Never 

Apocalypse Never, by Michael Shellenberger, challenges the prevalent narrative of imminent environmental collapse, arguing that the current climate conversation is lead too heavily by fearmongering.

Shellenberger, an environmental activist, contends that technological progress and human ingenuity can address environmental issues effectively.

In doing so, the book highlights the importance of economic growth and modernisation in achieving environmental sustainability, advocating for a balanced perspective that recognises both the challenges and the advancements in environmental protection.

Not all will agree, but it is a useful perspective to be aware of, regardless of your prevailing view on climate action.

View Apocalypse Never on Amazon here

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Gaining & Maintaining Perspective

Climate Change can be a tricky topic. Its never far from the headlines, and generally those headlines are fairly grim!

In this context, developing and enhancing your perspective on climate change, from the fundamentals through to potential solutions, is key.

The books we have recommended here will help you to do this, and you will see from them that a bright future potentially awaits us if solutions can be implemented!

Critically, these books will help you to contend with competing narratives that will continue to vie for your support and climate action progresses.

If you’re looking to learn more about Climate Change, then you can also check out our article covering the key details on Climate Change. And if you’d begin taking action yourself, whether at home or in business, then the below articles are getting starting points:

Make My Home Sustainable: A Practical Guide

Net Zero Business: A Simple Guide To Getting Started

What Is Sustainability: Fundamentals Explained

Happy reading!

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