Image of tree sapling being handed from one set of hands to another

UN Sustainable Development Goals Made Simple

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals, agreed by all 193 UN Member States. They are a shared commitment to creating a better future for humanity by 2030.

Adopted in September 2015, they aspiration for a better world, addressing pressing global challenges ranging from energy and climate to hunger and poverty.

Here we’ll provide a clear and simple summary of the 17 goals, their benefits, challenges and your potential role.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goal Display Graphic
  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health & Wellbeing
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality
  6. Clean Water & Sanitation
  7. Affordable & Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work & Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities & Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption & Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life on Land
  16. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships For The Goals

Each of these goals have underpinning targets and a programme of action, all coordinated by the United Nations. You can find details of these targets and further information on the SDGs here. A summary video from the UN is also available below.

Benefits of the SDGs:

  • Connected Framework: The SDGs approach issues like poverty, inequality, and climate change as interconnected challenges. This is a more realistic approach than approaching them individually and can help deliver co-benefits.
  • Brand Recognition: The SDGs have become a recognised framework internationally. Those working towards this goals can use them to outline how they are supporting sustainability. In turn, it is clear for those that could potentially work with you to recognise your intent.
  • Collective Ownership: The SDGs aren’t just a government thing โ€“ they’re a call to action for us all! Businesses, NGOs, and individuals are encouraged to join forces to make these goals a reality.
  • Raising the Alarm: From poverty to climate change, the SDGs shine a spotlight on critical issues facing our planet. This awareness fuels action, inspiring businesses and individuals to align their activities with these global goals.
  • Climate, the underpinning challenge: Climate Change is acknowledged as a key issue across many action areas, with Goal 13 specifically targeting Climate Action. This has the effect of increasing pressure on countries to cut emissions and build sustainable economies.
  • Progress Demonstrated: Since 2015, we’ve seen real progress! Extreme poverty rates have dropped in several regions, more children are in school, and access to healthcare is improving. We’re not there yet, but the momentum is real.
Image of a wind farm, representing renewable energy, part of the range of actions supported by the SDGs

Challenges Posed to The SDGs:

The SDGs are highly ambitious. This in turn makes them very difficult to achieve.

Part of this challenge is international cooperation, with significant investment required at a time when many wealthier nations are currently facing difficult economic circumstances.

Image of the United Nations building

This though is where consideration of sustainability is key – sustainability is all about the long term and wise investment now will make for a better, wealthier population in the future.

There are also concerns the lack of strong enforcement mechanisms held against claims of progress. The scale of implementation also varies across countries. These are though areas that can be addressed with the right level of planning prior to committing resources.

Graphic of the Earth in hands, representing the vital role humans have to preserve the planet.

You Can Make a Difference:

The SDGs aren’t just for governments and big organisations โ€“ you can play a role!

First and foremost, as an individual, learn about the goals and support organisations working towards the SDGs. Professionally, you can also consider aligning your ambitions with roles that work towards supporting the SDGs.

For small and medium sized businesses, the SDGs can also help shape your approach. Businesses of all sizes can support areas such as Climate Action, Clean Energy and Responsible Consumption. Keep a check of our latest blog posts for tips on action in these areas and more.

The UN SDGs are more than just lofty goals โ€“ they’re a roadmap to a world where everyone thrives. By understanding their benefits, celebrating progress, and tackling challenges together, we can make the vision they represent a reality.

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